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Interface: MimeeqApiConfig

The mimeeqApp object allows for simple configuration of procedures as well as customization of some processes.

At this moment it is limited to settings related to PDF but more settings will be successfully implemented.

Settings can be set either on initialization or during runtime. However, please keep in mind that not all settings can be changed during runtime. In their case you should make sure to set them before embed is being loaded to the browser.

For examples how to customize see examples

Initializing config at page load

You can set initial values by setting window.mimeeqAppConfig object with desired values before loading Mimeeq embed and mimeeqApp object to the browser. You can do it in the following way

window.mimeeqAppConfig = {
pdf: {
logoPosition: 'LEFT'
Changing config after loading configurator

In case mimeeqApp object is already loaded to the browser you can still adjust it's config. You can do it in the following way

window.mimeeqApp.config = {
pdf: {
logoPosition: 'LEFT'



optional icons: Partial<ApiIconsConfig>

Overwrite for built-in mimeeq embed icons


optional image: ApiImageConfig

Configuration for image generation flows of Mimeeq API


optional pdf: ApiPdfConfig

Configuration for PDF generation method of Mimeeq API