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Interface: ApiIconsConfig

Configuration object for customizing icons in the Mimeeq embed configurator UI.



basket: Partial<{ cart: string; emptyCart: string; envelope: string; }>

Icons used in the Mimeeq Basket.


configurator: Partial<{ 3d: string; arFailed: string; arIncompatible: string; arrowDropDown: string; enterFullscreenHotspot: string; fileGlb: string; fileJpeg: string; fileObj: string; filePng: string; fileStl: string; leaveFullscreenHotspot: string; mousePointer: string; }>

Icons used in the 3D configurator.


form: Partial<{ checkedCheckbox: string; checkedRadio: string; decrease: string; emptyRadio: string; errorInfo: string; increase: string; indeterminateCheckbox: string; search: string; uncheckedCheckbox: string; }>

Icons used in various form elements.


messageWidget: Partial<{ general: string; idea: string; info: string; tips: string; warning: string; }>

Icons used in the message widget.


misc: Partial<{ arrowDropUp: string; arrowLeft: string; arrowLeftShort: string; caretDown: string; check: string; checkCircle: string; close: string; document: string; download: string; drag: string; fillColor: string; limitHit: string; lock: string; pdfLoader: string; pencil: string; plus: string; plusCircle: string; trash: string; }>

Miscellaneous icons used across different sections.


modular: Partial<{ chevronRight: string; clone: string; collision: string; configure: string; copyStyle: string; drag: string; flip: string; move: string; noCustomizableOptions: string; noItems: string; noOptions: string; productReplacement: string; replace: string; sceneError: string; sortAz: string; threeLines: string; }>

Icons used in the modular section for various actions.


optionPanel: Partial<{ collapse: string; expand: string; minus: string; plus: string; }>

Icons used in the option panel section.


quickIcons: Partial<{ ar: string; dimensions: string; enterFullscreen: string; exportModel: string; gridOff: string; gridOn: string; heart: string; imageSquare: string; leaveFullscreen: string; loadScene: string; pdfSquare: string; priceSettings: string; redo: string; reset: string; save: string; share: string; threeDots: string; undo: string; zoomAll: string; }>

Icons used in the quick icons section for rapid actions.


share: Partial<{ link: string; mail: string; }>

Icons used in the share section for sharing actions.


widgets: Partial<{ checkCircle: string; closeFilled: string; eye: string; eyeCross: string; filter: string; flipHorizontally: string; flipVertically: string; printOnDemandEmpty: string; replaceCircle: string; reset: string; }>

Icons used in the widgets section for various widget actions.