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Type Alias: TakeScreenshot()

TakeScreenshot: (extension?, size?, backgroundColor?, customDimensions?, withAutozoom?, withCameraReset?, customCameraPosition?) => Promise<Nullable<string>>


extension?: string

[png] Extension of file. Based on that image has set proper MimeType. Accepts only png, jpg and jpeg.

size?: number

[3072] Width of image. Height will be set automatically based on canvas aspect ratio. On iOS powered mobiles it may cause reloads if size is bigger than 2k. We recommend 1k for ecommerce.

backgroundColor?: string

[#fff] If provided, will be used for background on jpeg file. Accepts only hex and hexa format.

customDimensions?: Dimensions

If provided, it will overwrite size and/or automatically calculated height.

withAutozoom?: boolean

If true, it will do zoom out on canvas to make sure product if fully visible.

withCameraReset?: boolean

If true, it will reset camera to initial position (position from 1st camera at scene settings).

customCameraPosition?: string

JSON string with custom camera position eg. {"position":{"x":-1.4827425522188151,"y":1.7029008083897266,"z":-5.265221131049244},"alpha":4.4378873110317825,"beta":1.3718508759876076,"target":{"x":0,"y":0.600077748298645,"z":0},"radius":5.580080441792618}



Base64 image string