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Type Alias: MountList()

MountList: (uid, category, elementId, baseURL, CDNPath, customerId, withWatcher, locale?, variant?, productGroupId?, favourite?, isFavourite?, appUrl?, manualSort?, renderOnMount?, legacy?) => Promise<void>

Display list of products with possibility to enter products


uid: string

Embed instance unique id. Typically, embed shortcode. If passed app will try to mount into html element with data-mimmeq-shortcode set to this value and use env for this id

category: string

Current category path

elementId: string

ID of HTML element on which mount tree. No longer supported. Please use uid and data-mimeeq-short-code combination instead

baseURL: string

URL to page API

CDNPath: string

URL to storage/CDN

customerId: string

ID of current customer from witch fetch data

withWatcher: boolean

[true] - If true. will assign "sandbox" logic to components

locale?: string

['en'] - Code of current locale

variant?: string

['standard'] - Variant of list. Can be 'standard', 'modal' or 'listonly'. Standard - render full product list. Modal - same as Standard. Only difference is that it handles scroll of container not window. Listonly generates only list of products with no menu or header.

productGroupId?: Nullable<string>

[null] - ID of product group to show. If provided then there are only products from that group.

favourite?: string

Name of selected favourite collection

isFavourite?: boolean

If true, it will display favourites rather than product list

appUrl?: string

Current domain. Used to generate AR landing page url. No longer supported. It gets current domain from window.location object instead.

manualSort?: boolean

If true, it will sort products on product list embed based on order at admin panel

renderOnMount?: boolean

If true, it will render immediately. Otherwise, you need to manually call render e.g. by calling mimeeqApp.utils.showConfigurator method.

legacy?: boolean

If true, it will use legacy mode for handling modals




Please use utils.mount instead