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Type Alias: DraftEntityMutability

DraftEntityMutability: "MUTABLE" | "IMMUTABLE" | "SEGMENTED"

Possible "mutability" options for an entity. This refers to the behavior that should occur when inserting or removing characters in a text range with an entity applied to it.

MUTABLE: The text range can be modified freely. Generally used in cases where the text content and the entity do not necessarily have a direct relationship. For instance, the text and URI for a link may be completely different. The user is allowed to edit the text as needed, and the entity is preserved and applied to any characters added within the range.

IMMUTABLE: Not to be confused with immutable data structures used to represent the state of the editor. Immutable entity ranges cannot be modified in any way. Adding characters within the range will remove the entity from the entire range. Deleting characters will delete the entire range. Example: Facebook Page mentions.

SEGMENTED: Segmented entities allow the removal of partial ranges of text, as separated by a delimiter. Adding characters wihin the range will remove the entity from the entire range. Deleting characters within a segmented entity will delete only the segments affected by the deletion. Example: Facebook User mentions.