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Payloads for available company events

Company Created

The company-created event is triggered when a new company is created.

Payload example

"id": "COMP-efd45129-cb8e-4b82-81d9-2a8cb1feba0f",
"companyName": "Example Company",
"customerId": "CUST-2920178e-143b-4d67-b713-d6fb93b2a65c",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"address": {
"street": "123 Example Street",
"city": "Example City",
"postcode": "12345",
"country": "Example Country"
"accountDetails": {
"workNumber": "123-456-7890",
"email": "[email protected]"
"deliveryAddresses": [
"name": "Delivery Address 1",
"street": "456 Example Street",
"city": "Example City",
"postcode": "12345",
"country": "Example Country",
"companyName": "Example Company"
"socials": [
"type": "linkedin",
"address": ""
"paymentTerms": "30 days",
"currency": "USD",
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

Company Updated

The company-updated event is triggered when changes are made to an existing company.

Payload example

"id": "COMP-efd45129-cb8e-4b82-81d9-2a8cb1feba0f",
"companyName": "Updated Company",
"customerId": "CUST-2920178e-143b-4d67-b713-d6fb93b2a65c",
"status": "INACTIVE",
"address": {
"street": "456 Updated Street",
"city": "Updated City",
"postcode": "54321",
"country": "Updated Country"
"accountDetails": {
"workNumber": "098-765-4321",
"email": "[email protected]"
"deliveryAddresses": [
"name": "Updated Delivery Address",
"street": "789 Updated Street",
"city": "Updated City",
"postcode": "54321",
"country": "Updated Country",
"companyName": "Updated Company"
"socials": [
"type": "twitter",
"address": ""
"paymentTerms": "60 days",
"currency": "EUR",
"tags": ["updatedTag1", "updatedTag2"]

Company Deleted

The company-deleted event is triggered when a company is removed.

Payload example

"id": "COMP-efd45129-cb8e-4b82-81d9-2a8cb1feba0f",
"companyName": "Example Company",
"customerId": "CUST-2920178e-143b-4d67-b713-d6fb93b2a65c"

Company Note Created

The company-note-created event is triggered when a new note is attached to a company's record.

Payload example

"id": "826399cc-9270-4b76-bdfa-dda1a9b2caf0",
"companyId": "COMP-d1172465-44c5-4dba-851d-12cc7ad2b423",
"companyName": "Example Company",
"customerId": "CUST-ae8ccd26-59f6-4af3-82aa-54376fd58f42",
"note": {
"id": "826399cc-9270-4b76-bdfa-dda1a9b2caf0",
"title": "Example Note Title",
"content": "Example Note Content",
"attachments": [
"name": "Example Attachment Name",
"path": ""

Company Note Updated

The company-note-updated event is triggered when an existing note on a company's record is updated.

Payload example

"id": "826399cc-9270-4b76-bdfa-dda1a9b2caf0",
"companyId": "COMP-d1172465-44c5-4dba-851d-12cc7ad2b423",
"companyName": "Example Company",
"customerId": "CUST-ae8ccd26-59f6-4af3-82aa-54376fd58f42",
"note": {
"id": "826399cc-9270-4b76-bdfa-dda1a9b2caf0",
"title": "Updated Note Title",
"content": "Updated Note Content",
"attachments": [
"name": "Updated Attachment Name",
"path": ""

Company Note Deleted

The company-note-deleted event is triggered when a note linked to a company is removed.

Payload example

"id": "826399cc-9270-4b76-bdfa-dda1a9b2caf0",
"companyId": "COMP-d1172465-44c5-4dba-851d-12cc7ad2b423",
"companyName": "Example Company",
"customerId": "CUST-ae8ccd26-59f6-4af3-82aa-54376fd58f42"