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Short Codes

Mimeeq configurator provides multiple types of short codes. These have different roles in configurator environment and may be required to get access to some data.

Embed short code

Embed short code is a short code which is used to get data required to render Embed. It helps us get information about customer and type of embed.

You may get this code in some ways. The easiest of them is entering Mimeeq App and getting into Embed Code Snippet modal. There you can find it as part of HTML code.

There is few types of Embed Code Snippets. Each of them generates different type of embed.

  • Product - most basic type of Embed. It's single product embed. It's probably this one you will need if you want to combine our embed with your existing product pages. It's generated from product details admin page.
  • Products - list of all active products with ability to display single product configurator on item click (behaves as Product). In case of authenticated users it may also allow for using Favourites. It's generated on Products page.
  • Product Group - same as Products but displays only products from single product group. It's generated on product group details page.
  • Favourites - list of favourites with ability to display single product configurator on item click (behaves as Product). User needs to be authenticated with Mimeeq Auth to display this type of embed. It's generated on Settings page.
  • Auth - Allows for loading auth utils and rendering authorization related modals like Sign In, User Profile, Forgot Password. It's generated on Settings page.

In case of Product embed short code you may also get it as part of mimeeq-add-to-cart and mimeeq-show-summary events as property embedShortCode. To learn more about them, click here.

Configuration short code

It's short code generated for each standard product configuration. It refers to product id and configuration code pair. It's unique and constant for each combination of these. You may obtain it in few ways.

As in Embed short code case this short code is available as part of mimeeq-add-to-cart and mimeeq-show-summary events payload as property shortCode. To learn more about them, click here.

You may also generate it on demand by using our Web API. To do that you need to call mimeeqApp.utils.getShortcode method. To learn more about it, click here.

It's one of short codes used to get data from our REST API.

Scene short code

This is short code generated for Modular scenes. It's used to store information about your current scene. And by using this you may reload previously generated configurations. It's not unique per scene. So the same scene configuration can have multiple different short codes.

As in Embed short code case this short code is available as part of mimeeq-add-to-cart and mimeeq-show-summary events payload as property shortCode. To learn more about them, click here.

It can be also obtained by sharing URL from UI. In that case it will be part of generated URL.

It's one of short codes used to get data from our REST API.

AR short code

Short code generated for each configuration used to access AR view. Similarly to Configuration short code it's unique for each page-productId-configurationCode combination.

As opposed to other short codes you may get one of these short codes only from URL generated after clicking View in your room. However, at this moment it's only use case is for displaying AR landing page.